29 January 2022

Wedding Etiquette: 5 top tips for wedding guests

Weddings- they’re a big commitment, not only from the couple themselves but from the guests too! With expectations of the guests forever changing, we asked Dine’s in-house wedding guru Rebecca to give us her 5 top tips for wedding guests

5 top tips for wedding guests


When you receive a wedding invitation, it’s good manners to let the wedding couple know whether you can attend or not in plenty of time. There will be lots of planning to do around seating plans and numbers for the caterer, so don’t leave your RSVP until the last minute.

Rebecca says:

“Many couples send a ‘Save the Date’ card around 6-12 months before the big day, followed by an official wedding invitation at least six-weeks before the wedding. This should be plenty of time to plan whether you can attend or not,  so that the wedding party can plan the day”


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2. If your name isn’t on the list…

The only people invited are those named on your invitation, so don’t be tempted to bring along a plus-one without asking first.

Rebecca says:

“Bringing a plus one, or children, if they are not on the invitation is a real faux pas and will absolutely get you into the bad books. The seating plan and catering will be designed for those who have been invited. 

“If you’d like to bring someone along and you aren’t sure if they’ve been included, ask the wedding party to consider assigning you a plus one if they have any other guests drop out or decline when you send your RSVP. That way, if there has been a mix up and they should be invited, it allows the wedding couple to say so”


3. Stay off the social media

We all love to keep our friends and family up to date with what we’re doing, but when it comes to attending a wedding, hang back.

Your phone should be switched off during the wedding ceremony- nobody wants your ringtone to interrupt the vows! It will also make sure that the official photos aren’t marred by a sea of mobile phones.

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But it’s not just during the ceremony; it’s not unknown for excited bridesmaids to post a picture of the bride online, for the groom to see before the actual wedding!

Leave any social posting until later in the day, or even better, the day after!

4. Leave your ‘Big News’ at home…

When a group of friends or family get together, it’s a chance for everyone to catch up on the news. But bear in mind, this is not your day- don’t steal the wedding couples, thunder by making a big announcement at their wedding.


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Rebecca says:

“As tempting as it is to use a family get together to break the news of your pregnancy, engagement or big move abroad, it’s an absolute no-no. Leave it a week or so afterwards to make your announcement; not only will it prevent you overshadowing someone’s big day, it will mean you will get the attention you deserve for your big news too.”


5. It’s good to give

Traditionally, wedding couples would be given household items to help them set up home together. These days, most couples live together for some time before getting married, and it’s more usual to be asked for contributions towards the honeymoon, charity gifts, or very often nothing at all!

If the couple do have a gift list, stick to it- they are trying to prevent you wasting your money on something they don’t want or need. If there’s nothing on their gift list in your budget, then a gift voucher from the same store would be a great idea.

If the couple are getting married abroad, then a smaller gift is appropriate. The couple should take into account the extra expense they have put you to, in order for you to attend. And you should take into account their luggage limit, bring the gift back again!


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Need some more tips? Take a look at How to choose a wedding guest dress

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