Top 10 Money-Saving Hacks for your Wedding

Top 10 money-saving hacks for your wedding

 After the excitement of getting engaged and sharing the news with your family and friends – next comes the exciting (but sometimes daunting) task of planning your wedding. Whether you’re hoping to get married in a year or two’s time or want to enjoy being engaged for longer – it’s always good to have a loose timeframe in mind. This helps when it comes to the practicalities, and in particular – saving for your wedding.

 With the average wedding in the UK costing anywhere between £18,000 to £35,000 according to various surveys, raising the finances to celebrate your special day can be challenging. But don’t worry – these insider tips should help you on your way.

1. Set a budget and track it

First things first, you should take some time to consider how much you can realistically afford to spend on your wedding as a whole. Take into account any savings that you already have that you’re willing to contribute towards it, how much you can afford to save between now and your wedding, and any financial support from family members.

Now you have a figure in mind – write it down so you can keep track of your wedding spending and budget. A quick Google search will throw up plenty of free, downloadable wedding budget spreadsheets that update automatically when you input new information. Tracking your budget in this way will also help to show where you’re at risk of overspending. Or if you can afford that expensive wedding singer you’ve had your eye on for so long.

2. Round up your spare change

Most banking apps now have an option where you can round up your change each time you spend money on your bank card. This ‘spare change’ will be automatically placed into a savings pot that you can build up over time. If you mostly use cash to pay for things – simply do the same with your change each time you purchase and add it to a physical savings pot.

In addition – some banks have cashback deals with companies where you receive a specific percentage of your purchase when you use your card to buy something. You know what they say – every little bit helps!

3. Make a list of non-negotiables

There’s an overwhelming amount of options when it comes to planning a wedding. It’s easy to get swept away by novelties like doughnut stands and saxophone players, that, let’s be honest – you could probably do without. We recommend that you make a list of all the things that you definitely want to include on your wedding day, and start by organising those things first. 

That way, if you do have some spare funds to spend or room for movement in the wedding budget – you can include some of the things that you want but don’t need.

4. Choose your wedding date wisely

It’s no secret that the most popular day to get married is a Saturday. Half term dates are also in demand for those who have children or friends/family in the teaching profession. If you have room for flexibility and want to make some savings – try opting for a weekday.

 5. Turn your hand to DIY

Instead of spending money unnecessarily on things like confetti, wedding favours and table decorations that will only be used for one day – use Pinterest for inspiration and see what you can create yourself. Not only will this reduce your spending, but it can also add a nice personal touch to your day. One of our favourite examples of this is drying out flowers in advance to use as confetti.

Some other DIY wedding hacks that we love include crafting your own table numbers, signage, seating plans and centrepieces to match your overarching wedding theme.

6. Find pre-loved options where possible

If you’re not a DIY lover and don’t fancy giving it a go – pre-loved is your next best bet (and it’s a great eco-friendly choice). With thousands of people getting married each month in the UK, you’ll be surprised how many couples take to sites like Facebook Marketplace or eBay to resell (or even give away) their old wedding supplies.

Of course, you could create an entire wedding out of pre-loved/vintage items – and many couples do! But if it’s specific items that you’re looking for, make sure you set up search alerts so you get notified when new listings match your criteria. With many couples looking to make small savings, wedding supplies can get snapped up quickly. Another option is to rent outfits/items for your wedding day, instead of purchasing them outright.

Jane Beadnell Photography

7. Source your own suppliers

Whichever venue you choose to get married at or host your evening reception – they’ll probably have a list of preferred suppliers that they work with regularly. This is great if convenience is important for you and you don’t have time to get multiple quotes and compare. If making a saving is your main priority though, it’s always good to shop around for suppliers and find the best one to suit your budget. Just make sure you compare like with like- cheaper quotes are sometime cheaper for a reason!

8. Slim down your social calendar

In the months before your wedding (crunch time), make a conscious effort to clear your social calendar and only say yes to the important things (birthdays, hen do’s, family events). Although it’s tempting to dine out and go for cocktails every weekend – just think what this money could buy if you got strict with yourself and added it to your wedding fund instead.

9. Be strict with your guestlist

Most wedding venues charge a cost per person for food, drinks and service, so slimming down your guest list is one of the biggest ways to save a significant amount on your wedding day. Don’t feel pressured to invite people to your wedding just because they invited you to theirs, or because you’ll feel guilty if you don’t. It can be tough to create a budget-friendly guestlist without hurting anyone’s feelings – but just remember that it’s your day and your decision. 

10. Ask your friends and family for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Does your friend have skills in design or arts and crafts? Or maybe your Auntie is a dab hand at baking extravagant cakes. Your friends and family will feel honoured at having the opportunity to help you with your wedding, and may even lend a hand in place of a wedding present or just because they want to make your day as special as possible.

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