50 Best Mr and Mrs Quiz Questions
No hen/stag/sten do would be complete without a fun game of Mr and Mrs/Mr and Mr/Mrs and Mrs to test how well you really know each other. So, after reading this – you should have everything you need to plan your own game. Simply select your favourite questions from our 50 best Mr and Mrs questions to get started!
What is the Mr and Mrs Quiz?
In case you’re not familiar, the Mr and Mrs game is a fun quiz for couples to explore how well they know each other – based on a popular TV show. Not to be taken too seriously, the game involves asking the future bride and groom/groom and groom/bride and bride the same set of questions and asking them to send over or record their answers via video. Video is always a fun way to share your answers and make things ten times funnier. The soon-to-be-married couple must then guess their partner’s answers and see how many answers match up. Where possible, try to tweak the questions to make them as personalised as possible.
Forfeits for the Mr and Mrs game
To make the game as fun as can be – coming up with forfeits for wrong answers is essential! One of the most common forfeits (especially on hen/stag/sten dos) is to take a shot for each wrong answer. We recommend playing this at the start of the day or night to break the ice and get the drinks flowing. But, if you’re not a big drinker, there are many other ways to spice up the game and make it interactive. You could create funny dares for the bride or groom to do for each wrong answer or have some unpleasant foods ready to blind taste test as an alternative.
50 of the best Mr and Mrs Questions
Traditional Mr and Mrs questions
- Where did you first meet?
- Who always has the last word in an argument?
- When is your anniversary?
- Where was your first date?
- What three words would your he/she use to describe you?
- What is his/her favourite food?
- Who is the best cook?
- What are you most likely to argue about?
- Who is the better driver?
- What is your partner’s favourite book?
Funny Mr and Mrs questions
- Who made the first move?
- What are your nicknames for each other?
- Who is the most annoying when drunk?
- What one job in the house he/she is not allowed to do?
- Who takes longer to get ready?
- Who will be most hungover after the wedding?
- Who is the funniest?
- Which item of his/her clothing do you hate the most?
- What is his/her most annoying trait?
- Which guest is most likely to embarrass themselves at the wedding?
Romantic Mr and Mrs questions
- Who was the first to say I love you?
- What did you wear on the first date?
- What’s the most romantic thing he/she has ever done for you?
- What do you most love about him/her?
- Where did he/she first say ‘I love you’?
- What’s the most romantic thing he/she has ever done?
- Where was your first kiss?
- What were his/her exact words when they proposed to you?
- What was the first present that they ever bought you?
- Who says ‘I love you’ the most?
Naughty Mr and Mrs questions
- Which part of your body does <name> love the most?
- Where’s the riskiest place you’ve ever had sex?
- What is the bride’s bra size?
- What is your partner’s favourite sex position?
- Which celebrity would the bride choose to join you in a threesome?
- How many dates did it take before you slept together?
- Who gets horny the most?
- What is his/her biggest turn-on?
- Who is the loudest in the bedroom?
- Who is the most adventurous in the bedroom?
Quirky Mr and Mrs questions
- How does he/she like her eggs to be cooked?
- What is his/her guilty pleasure?
- What’s his/her favourite pizza topping?
- What is his/her star sign?
- What’s the weirdest thing that he/she does?
- What song would he/she choose to sing on karaoke?
- What three things would he/she take to a desert island?
- Who would their ‘phone a friend’ be on Monopoly?
- What’s his/her favourite flavour of ice cream?
- What’s his/her dream holiday destination?
For more ideas on planning the perfect hen do – visit our blog.