• Expert advice from award-winning wedding companies
  • Beauty hints and tips to get you looking your best
  • How to ensure the best possible start to your wedding day


  • Kerry Wilkinson of Tineke Floral Designs – a multiple award winning floral design company who last year were voted the “Best Wedding Florist” at the National Wedding Industry Awards.
  • Phoebe Caramasitos of Flossy & Leigh Make Up Artist Company – an incredibly talented company and are the current Best Make Up Artist as voted for at the National Wedding Industry awards.
  • Jo Beardmore of Dennisson Classic Cars – they have won multiple national and regional awards and much industry acclaim. So much so that they are on the judging panel for the 2015 Wedding Awards!
  • Laura Lawson of Lawson Photography – have won several awards for their breathtaking photography, along with being a member of the ‘worlds best photographers’ as displayed by Junebug Weddings.


Before the wedding morning, comes the pre-wedding morning. In order to have a smooth, relaxing and enjoyable wedding morning you have to consider the night before. It’s the time which can make the difference between good and perfect. It’s the time your wedding day really begins.


If you were ever to have a relaxing night, followed by a deep and trouble free sleep, then this is the time. Of course, there are ways to help you on your way.

  1. Watch what you drink. It’s understandable that the night before a wedding may involve alcohol – it is used by lots of us to relax, unwind and have fun (all of which you want this night to be). But there’s lots of research to suggest that it could ruin the quality and amount of your sleep . Caffeine should also be a ‘no-go’ area. For a funky and fresh approach to the pre-wedding night, why not try making up some smoothies? They can be delicious, are known to have great health benefits and some help ensure the sleep every bride-to-be needs! There are a lots of fun recipes around, here are some to get you started – but be sure to experiment!
  2. Eat the right things. Firstly, this wouldn’t be the time to experiment with new foods or anything spicy. It just isn’t worth the risk! Instead, opt for something high in protein. Protein has long since been linked with a good night’s sleep with eggs, oily fish and chicken being healthy, protein rich options. Everyone has their own way of eating them, but if you are looking for some help, some protein rich recipes to get you started can be found here. So give your skin a healthy glow for your wedding morning, you could try to eat some of these skin friendly fruits.


One of the biggest worries a bride can have before her wedding is whether she’ll look her best on the big day, and most especially doing all they can to have the perfect, wedding morning skin. Sometimes though, that means that in their pursuit of perfection, brides can actually do more damage to their skin.

  1. Hydrate. Have plenty of water the night before your wedding. Mixing it with lemon is also a winning, if unexciting combination! As our expert says “you can always tell the skin on those who have been drinking plenty of water, from those who haven’t”.
  2. Watch the tan. Try and resist a last evening panic about being pale, it can cause more problems than it’s worth! “We often see girls panicking about being too pale and using the sunbed a day or two before the wedding” says Phoebe, “and they end up sunburnt, which again is really tough to disguise”.
  3. Exfoliate. Phoebe explains “by exfoliating and moisturising the skin both on the face and body, the skin will look its best” says Phoebe, “but avoid having any other facials within three days of the wedding”. Though a gentle exfoliation, is the order of the day (well, night) before your wedding, what about the dreaded fake tan? Should you have had a spray-tan which is a little too extreme for your liking, exfoliating can also reduce your brightness too though as Phoebe mentions “I’d avoid a false tan if you’re going for a slinky and/or silk type dress in the summer months”. Remember when exfoliating before a wedding to swap the more abrasive exfoliators for ones containing lactic or glycolic acid.


Today delivers the closest feeling you will ever get to being a child on Christmas morning again, opening your eyes on the morning of your wedding day. The confusion that comes with waking up is soon replaced with the excitement and nerves of the big day. But no matter how monumental the occasion there are still things that need to be done!


Thoughts of the hair and makeup may dominate your thoughts, but before then you have some time on your hands. In what is likely to be a tightly scheduled and hectic day treat this time as a haven, the time to stretch out and bask in the glow of what is to come. Though that doesn’t mean there is nothing you could be doing!

  1. Breakfast. Today just isn’t the day to skip breakfast. Being nervous uses energy, so make sure that you eat! How and where you spend the night before can influence your breakfast options, as can your personality. Stick with what you prefer. We would recommend something healthy and easy on your digestion, but so long as you remember to eat, then the day has got off to a great start.
  2. Bring the fun. Try not to take everything so seriously. This once in a lifetime event can sweep you into its whirlwind and leave the day as a blur, unless you make time for yourself. Laugh with friends and take the time to breathe, to share this special day with your loved ones. Creating a music playlist for the morning can get the morning off on the front foot and soon have the room awash with laughter and chatter. You can keep it current, fill the playlist with songs that mean something to you and your friends, or something else entirely. It’s your wedding morning, do it your way!
  3. Wear the right clothing. When getting dressed in the morning, pre hair and make-up, seriously consider wearing a zip-up jumper or hoodie. You don’t want your hair to be perfectly formed with a perfectly made-up face and then have to pull a t-shirt or jumper over your head. Try and avoid bra straps too, either go au natural or wear a strapless number as strap marks on the skin can be unsightly when it’s time to say “I Do”!
Jude the beautiful bride – in hair & makeup on her wedding morning

If anything is forgotten on a wedding morning, you can almost guarantee that hair and makeup will not be one of them! Even though its importance is not in question there are still things to be sure to know in order to get the most out of it .

  1. Find the right style. A make-up artist may be able to help in selecting your style, but this is your day, the day you have dreamed about for years, and in those dreams I bet you always looked the same. Beautiful, in a way that you know best, make-up of your own creation. Whilst thinking about the make-up style, it is best to have the following ethos “be a polished version of you, rather than something completely new”.
  2. Find the right stylist. It sounds simple, but make-up is a very personal thing. If you are using a professional then it also requires you to place a great deal of trust in the beauty-giver. Though all it takes to avoid this is a little time, preparation and perseverance. Do your research, read reviews from people just like yourself and then have a make-up trial. This is very important, don’t wait until the big day to get it wrong!
  3. Bring the stylist to you. Try and get your hair and make-up stylist to come to you, and also ask them to come up with a schedule – it’ll reduce the stress of the day and make things easier to manage. When the stylists arrive, a key tip is to have an area prepared, as our expert Phoebe points out – “it’s always a good idea to leave a dressing table free from all your items, so the stylists can sit you in the mirror especially when styling hair, and place their kit on the table”.
  4. Don’t be afraid to DIY. It’s all very well using a professional, and the results can make you look tremendous – but so can you, your friends and family. Brides have often expressed how they adore the personal touch that comes with somebody you know and love applying the make-up. It’s a family occasion after all, and if you doubt the power of DIY then it might be time to start believing . Let’s not forget that the Duchess of Cambridge herself chose to do her own make-up on her big day!
  5. Have an emergency bag. On the day, especially if you have to make your way to the salon, it is a great idea to carry an emergency hair and make-up bag with you. To be insured against any day-time disasters, we would suggest packing the following:
  • Scissors
  • Plasters & shoe pads
  • Sanitary towel
  • Razor
  • Pain killers
  • Anti-diarrhoea tablets
  • Sewing kit
  • Deodorant
  • Spare toothbrush & paste
  • Nail file


It’s a wedding, there are going to be flowers. The venue is the place where most of the flowers will reside, though there are a surprising amount which will come into your possession before reaching the venue.

Dine Venues - Event Styling - Rise Hall - Yorkshire
Dine Venues – Event Styling – Rise Hall – Yorkshire – The Rarified Event Florist


  1. Make flowers happen. Flowers are fresh, you won’t be able to get them delivered months in advance. Choose a florist that you trust, speak with them in detail about what you need and come up with the perfect designs, colours and types of flower for your wedding. Doing this in advance allows both you and the florist the time to make your flowers amazing. “We always finalise the flowers around a month before the wedding” says Kerry“but brides book our services up-to two years in advance”.
  2. Bring the bouquet. When you set off to the wedding, don’t forget the bouquet! One of the most common mistakes made by brides is leaving the house without it, leaving an embarrassing walk back to the house to collect it! And be sure to get the bouquet right, “a bridal bouquet should always complement the brides personality, style and dress” says Kerry “we have seen brighter coloured flowers for 2015 and lots of gold accents!”


For something so important, arranging the transport to the wedding often slips the mind of brides (and everybody else). It is an integral part to the day, allowing you to impress both entering and exiting the venue. For something that can be so easily forgotten, the right transportation has the power to make a wedding unforgettable.

Chris & Lizzie arrive at The Mansion in their Vintage Wedding Car
  1. Book early. It would be advisable to secure a wedding date and venues before thinking about transportation, but it should still be something that isn’t left until the last minute. The last thing a bride needs is to decide upon her favourite form of transportation and it isn’t available. Think about the time of year – horse drawn carriages are popular in the summer, vintage cars in the winter.
  2. Shop around. Unless it’s a unique transportation idea, then shop around for the best prices on your favoured method of travelling (even if it’s a minibus!). Year round there are deals to be had, and now websites are being set up to find you the best deals!
  3. Guard against unexpected delays. Think about how many bridesmaids you have and how this might affect your timescales. “It is usually bridesmaids trying to get ready that hold up proceedings” says Jo, “hiring a second car for the bridesmaids means that the bride and bridal party can arrive at the marriage venue at the same time”.
  4. Enter & exit with style. It may seem obvious, but plan your exit from to the house/entry to your transportation. Things like making sure the area is clear of obstructions, placing carpet on the floor for extra grip in the rain – and speaking of rain, always plan for it! Once you have make your way to the car, enter slowly and backwards, swinging your legs in last.


“The morning is one of my favourite parts of a wedding day to photograph”. Those are the words of Laura Lawson, an expert on wedding photography. It is with good reason that it is the favourite part, it’s all incredibly natural and some of the most memorable photographs come from the morning – so be ready!

  1. Be ready! The photographer likes to arrive early to the house of the bride. As Laura states “we like to arrive about two hours before the bride will be leaving for the ceremony, which allows for plenty of time to capture some natural moments of all that nervous/excited anticipation”.
  2. Try and schedule! Working from a schedule can help out not only the photographer, but your hair/make-up and bridesmaids too! In fact for a little effort in making a schedule could help you induce a more relaxed environment, and in doing so having more natural, happy pictures.
  3. Grab your gear. A photographer needs to know the little things, like which shoes are yours, what jewellery are you wearing, etc. By grouping them all in one room before the photographer arrives you are saving them valuable time. When the big moment arrives to put the dress on, you will be glad you gathered everything together, as Laura points out “time often runs away with you as the time to leave approaches”.
  4. Enjoy the morning. “Try and relax and enjoy it with your best friends” says Laura, “you’ve planned this day for a long time”. If you aren’t careful the day will pass you buy, and although a spot of hectic rushing is almost guaranteed, a bit of calm and enjoyment will bring the best out in your pictures.

It’s just the beginning

The wedding morning is the start of your big day, some might say that it’s the start of the rest of your life. That’s why it is important to start it off on the right foot. By being well prepared you will be significantly increasing the chances of having a happy wedding. There is just arriving at the venue, getting married and the reception to go – piece of cake!