22 March 2014

A Royal Engagement For The Jubilee Tour

Pace PLC, the global set top box provider based in Saltaire contacted Dine with a challenge. They were going to be hosting a Lunch at their offices attended by Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh during her Jubilee Tour. The rest of the invite list read like a who’s who of Yorkshire so the pressure was really on to make sure it was a special lunch!

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The first challenge was to turn the office location into a venue suitable for the occasion. We’d worked with the team at Pace before which made life easier because they trusted us to get on with the details. Hundreds of square feet of boarding went over Salts Mill’s famous cobbles, covered in royal blue carpet. Screens were erected to bring the space down to the perfect size, beautiful floral arrangements went onto elegantly set tables, surrounded by limewash chiavari chairs.

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The second challenge was to prepare a menu fit for Royalty & a celebration of Yorkshire’s incredible produce without a brigade of Chefs or a state of the art kitchen!

The feedback on the day was amazing and letters from the HR Director at Pace and The Mayor of Leeds thanking us for making it so special have made us incredibly proud. What an honour it was to be involved in the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations once again.

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Images by Barnaby Aldrick Photography