28 April 2014

5 Pitfalls To Avoid When Planning A Corporate Event

Our Managing Director Daniel Gill knows good hospitality and is a perfectionist when it comes to delivery for our clients.

Our style of creative thinking coupled with an attention to detail allows us to make our events exceptional.  We want your next corporate event to be just that: on brand, innovative and able to translate into real growth for your business.

Today on the blog, Dan talks about the five pitfalls he sees (at other people’s events!) time and time again, and how you can avoid them.

1.  Failure to focus on the end purpose.

Are you seeking to build connections?  To attract new clients?  To say thank you to your existing ones?

When planning a “corporate event” most people will stick to a common format – a three course lunch or a drinks and canapé reception.

But why not start your strategy before your guests have even arrived? Be clear about what you want your business to gain from the event and tailor it specifically to deliver to those targets.

Who, what, where, what menu, what timings?  It’s all crucial.

We’ve seen wine tasting dinners, Ready Steady Cook events, “Tweet Up” networking parties, Venetian balls… and want to make your next event special.

Whether you are looking to use one of our venues or work with the Dine events team, we always combine innovative event solutions around a core of exceptional food and service that will help you create the right impact.

2.  A lack of forward planning.

The longer the lead time, the better the event can be.

Of course, we’re used to delivering amazing events for several hundred at extremely short notice – but book ahead and give our Event Managers the chance to do what they do best: perfect the details where the difference between a good event and a really exceptional one lie.

We understand the need to work to a specified annual spend, but ask us about our Annual Events Package and Price Plan to see your budget go further without rushing the important bit: delivery and detail.

3.  Playing it safe with your venue choice.

Your guests will have numerous invitations on their desk that promise to cut into valuable family time.  The boring ones will go in the bin, so make yours stand out.

Choose an interesting and exciting venue to compliment the tone of your event and bring the decision makers through the door.

4.  Inviting the same old crowd.

It’s safe but dull to see the same folk at the opening of every envelope.

Why not mix things up a little?

Try expanding your guest list to include trusted individuals who can be useful to your clients without necessarily directly benefitting you. They’ll remember the referral next time it comes to placing business, plus, new faces keep the conversation flowing and the mood light.

5.  Choosing the wrong team.

Rolling out the same Christmas Party year on year?  Is another turkey dinner really what your guests want?  How about an oxygen bar and creative bowl food for a standout seasonal soiree?

If you want your marketing budget to deliver, be careful to employ someone who knows how to make that happen and who will deliver a striking result.

We are ideas people, and will make your event unforgettable for the right reasons.

To make your next event a stand out success, contact our Managing Director Daniel Gill direct on 0845 450 4545 or complete an enquiry form and we’ll get in touch with you.