Dine Book - page 35

Red mullet is highly valued especially in the Mediterranean
region. Its best season is October to May. Good, fresh
specimens should have a bright pink colour streaked with
gold and a black striped front dorsal fin. Nutritionally,it is rich
in protein, iodine, iron and phosphorus.
There are few things about Chateaubriand that most sources
agree. It is a recipe, not a cut of meat. It was created for
Francois Rene Vicomte de Chateaubriand (1768-1848),
French author and statesman. It was created by his chef,
Montmireil, possibly in 1822. Most state that it was originally
served with Béarnaise sauce, but some say the sauce was
made with reduced white wine, shallots, demi-glace, butter
& lemon juice. Finally, all agree the steak was served with
Chateau potatoes (small, olive shaped pieces of potato,
sautéed until browned).
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